Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024
Protect Life in 2024
Register today for the most important KFL PAC event of the year where you will be treated to lunch and the insights of a recognized giant in the battle for life. Our distinguished guest is an award-winning author, international speaker, and chair of the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. After leaving a full-time law practice in 1985 to pursue writing and public advocacy, Smith authored 14 books and became a regular contributor to the Epoch Times, National Review, First Things, and American Spectator. He has published over a thousand articles and appeared in more than a thousand television and radio interviews on life issues. Smith’s expertise on assisted suicide, bioethics, eugenics, transhumanism and many related topics is regularly called upon by members of legislative and executive branches of government.
This KFL PAC event is blessed, year after year, to be the gathering place for Kansans to hear from the pro-life members of our federal delegation. They go to battle for us in Washington, D.C., and come home to Lunch for Life to share their stories. Don’t miss this chance to see the members of our delegation on one stage, speaking about the most important issue of all, protection for innocent human life.
Our Federal Pro-Life Delegation

U.S. Senator
Jerry Moran

U.S. Senator
Dr. Roger Marshall

U.S. Representative
Ron Estes

U.S. Representative
Jake LaTurner

U.S. Representative
Tracey Mann
Special Update

Attorney General
Kris Kobach
As in previous years, Lunch for Life is expected to sell out, so please register early to secure your seat or table. Contributions raised at this event are vital to our work.
Join us as a sponsor to reserve a table
A table of 8 with premium seating and program recognition comes with Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorships.
Gold ($10,000)
- Recognition by Master of Ceremonies at event
- Recognition on the online event page at www.KFLPACLunch.com
- Recognition on looping slideshow at event prior to start of program
- One reserved table of 8
Silver ($5,000)
- Recognition on the online event page at www.KFLPACLunch.com
- Recognition on looping slideshow at event prior to start of program
- One reserved table of 8
Bronze ($2,500)
- Recognition on the online event page at www.KFLPACLunch.com
- One reserved table of 8
Table ($1,000)
- One reserved table of 8
- Name displayed on table tent
We are currently accepting table reservations for sponsorships of $1,000 and above. Please call 800.928.5433 or email joe@kfl.org if you would like to make a reservation. All sponsorships include one reserved table at the lunch.
About KFL
Kansans for Life is a nonprofit advocacy and educational organization dedicated to protecting and defending the right to life of all innocent humans from the moment of conception to natural death. KFL strives to protect the preborn and their mothers, the medically fragile and the elderly.
Kansans for Life was formed in 1983 to effectively pass laws to reduce the number of abortions and work toward legal protection for all innocent human life. Now a powerful force for life in Kansas, KFL has successfully passed 28 laws.
KFL is an authoritative voice on the media landscape, important referral source and regular sponsor of educational forums and events on the sanctity of human life. Its legislative division offsets pro-abortion lobbyists and presents a professional, pro-life voice in the Kansas Legislature.
KFL PAC has worked for over 40 years to protect life through recruiting, evaluating, and endorsing pro-life candidates and holding elected officials accountable. Each year, thousands of pro-life Kansans utilize our free online personalized voter guide system and receive KFL PAC endorsement postcards in their mailboxes. KFL PAC is dedicated to protecting and defending the right to life of all innocent humans from the moment of conception to natural death.
All funds solicited in connection with this event are by Kansans for Life PAC and not by any other organizations, individuals or candidates. Tickets are not tax-deductible. Program is subject to change without notice.