Dr. Roger Marshall

KFL PAC Endorses Dr. Roger Marshall for US Senate

For Immediate Release
Thursday, May 28th, 2020
Contact: Melissa Leach, KFL PAC Manager, Melissa@KFL.org

Topeka: Kansans for Life’s Political Action Committee (KFL PAC) is proud to endorse Dr. Roger Marshall (R- Great Bend) for United States Senate. The seat is currently held by the retiring Senator Pat Roberts.

“As an OB/GYN, Dr. Marshall has delivered over five thousand babies and is a national leader for pro-life legislation as a Congressman from the First Congressional District of Kansas,” said Melissa Leach, on behalf of KFL PAC. “His candidacy gives pro-lifers the best chance of defeating abortion fanatic Barbara Bollier (D-Mission Hills), and will have a positive impact on state legislative races, which are critical to passing the Value Them Both Amendment to the Kansas Constitution.”

“I couldn’t be prouder to have the endorsement of Kansans for Life. As an OB/GYN, I’ve spent 30 years helping bring life into this world, so for me, ‘pro-life’ isn’t a slogan or vote; it’s a calling,” said Dr. Roger Marshall. “I’ve often said I never imagined I’d have to fight harder for the unborn in Congress than in the delivery room, but it’s true. I’ve been proud to have Kansans for Life with me during that fight, and I’m ready to continue our stand for life in the U.S. Senate. This endorsement, more than any other, shows what stark contrast voters will be faced with in November: A pro-life physician who protects the most vulnerable vs Chuck Schumer’s hand-picked abortion-on-demand liberal, Barbara Bollier. For decades, Kansans for Life has given a voice to the voiceless and stood for life in some of the toughest political battles our state and nation have seen. They’re nationally recognized for their grassroots success. I’m proud to stand with them and humbled by their trust.”

The Congressman stands out from a field of candidates all of whom have strong public and personal commitments to the pro-life cause.

“A vigorous vetting process showed that Roger Marshall and the other major candidates seeking the Republican nomination for US Senate are vehemently pro-life,” stated Leach. “Senate President Susan Wagle (R-Wichita) has been a champion for the Value Them Both Amendment, former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R-Lecompton) fought to keep pro-life language in the 2016 RNC Platform, Dave Lindstrom  (R-Overland Park) voted to block Planned Parenthood funding as a County Commissioner and Bob Hamilton (R-Bucyrus) has a personal story that shows he values life.”

KFL PAC’s support for Dr. Roger Marshall comes after Chris Smith, Chairman of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, and other pro-life leaders have endorsed his campaign. The Republican Primary Election is August 4th.
