Tuesday, October 13,2020
Contact: Melissa Leach, KFL PAC Manager
melissa@kfl.org * 417.861.003
Topeka, Kansas- Kansans for Life Political Action Committee (KFL PAC) calls on Michelle
De La Isla, Democrat nominee for the Kansas 2nd Congressional District, to condemn taxpayer-funded abortion and reject her endorsement from pro-abortion EMILY’s List. The organization, which opposes any limits on the abortion industry, recently reaffirmed its call for the repeal of the popular Hyde Amendment.
“Sixty percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funded abortion, so imagine how Kansans in the 2nd Congressional District feel about Michelle De La Isla’s radical financial backers calling for the repeal of Hyde Amendment,” stated Melissa Leach on behalf of KFL PAC. “Forcing working families to subsidize the abortion industry is abhorrent and unless De Le Isla reject’s EMILY’s List’s position, it will be just another reason she is too radical for Kansas.”
The Hyde Amendment is an annual rider added to federal appropriations bills to block the explicit use of federal tax dollars for most abortions (except for cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother). On September 30th of this year, EMILY’s list commemorated the 44th Anniversary of Hyde by calling for it’s repeal. EMILY’s List claims to have a history of raising $600 million for its candidates.
Kansans for Life PAC is dedicated to protecting and defending the right to life of all innocent humans from the moment of conception to natural death. We engage in recruiting, evaluating, endorsing, electing and holding accountable pro-life candidates and elected or appointed officials.